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BANDAR SERI BEGAWAN, Monday, 4 September 2023 - The 17th ASEAN Defence Ministers’ Meeting-Plus (ADMM-Plus) Experts’ Working Group on Military Medicine (EWG on MM) Meeting commenced today at the Goldstone Ballroom, Centrepoint Hotel, Gadong, Brunei Darussalam. The meeting was scheduled for two days, from 4 until 5 September 2023. 

The Co-Chairs of the meeting were Colonel (Dr) Haji Awang Mohd. Hafizul Bin Haji Awang Mohd Hassan, Chief Medical Officer of the Royal Brunei Armed Forces (RBAF) and Brigadier Isaac Seidl, Director General of Operational Health, Joint Health Command of the Australian Defence Force (ADF). The meeting was officiated by Yang Mulia Haji Adi Ihram bin Dato Paduka Haji Mahmud, Acting Permanent Secretary, Ministry of Defence, Brunei Darussalam. In his opening address, he emphasized the progression, innovation, and resilience displayed by the EWG on MM over the years. He highlighted the global significance of their initiatives and the shared commitment to deeper international collaborations, especially with entities like the United Kingdom observing their initiatives. This reflects the group's broadening global footprint and the increasing recognition of its work.

The meeting was physically attended by representatives from ADMM-Plus countries, the ASEAN Centre of Military Medicine (ACMM) as well as the ASEAN Secretariat. There were also representatives from ADMM-Plus countries that attended virtually. 

The 17th ADMM-Plus EWG on MM meeting was conducted as a Final Planning Conference (FPC) to finalise the coordination of this cycle’s project-based activity which is the Project-based Community Medical Deployment (PCMD)/Medical Aid Provision (MAP). The PCMD/MAP is a coordinated deployment of all contributing ADMM-Plus countries to four barangays within the General Tinio Municipality in the Republic of the Philippines. These barangays have been identified as geographically isolated and disadvantaged areas and will receive the voluntary contributions from the ADMM-Plus countries. 

This civil-military engagement aims to utilise various existing frameworks such as the ACMM, Logistics Support Framework (LSF) and the Standby Arrangements and Coordination of Joint Disaster Relief and Emergency Response Operations (SASOP). It is hoped that this endeavour will enhance the health provisions of the the four barangays. PCMD/MAP is scheduled to take place from 14 to 27 October 2023. 

Since its establishment in 2010, the EWG on MM has exhibited effort in strengthening cooperation, interoperability and coordination among the military medical services of the 18 ADMM-Plus countries as envisaged by the ADMM-Plus leaders. It is an aspiration to continue to grow the ADMM-Plus’ capacity and capability as the EWG on MM strives to provide regional peace and health security.

BANDAR SERI BEGAWAN, Isnin, 4 September 2023 - Mesyuarat Kumpulan Kerja Pakar Perubatan Tentera, Mesyuarat Menteri-Menteri Pertahanan ASEAN-Plus (ADMM-Plus) kali ke-17 diadakan di Goldstone Ballroom, Centrepoint Hotel, Gadong, Negara Brunei Darussalam. Mesyuarat ini diadakan selama dua hari bermula dari 4 hingga 5 September 2023. 

Mesyuarat itu dipengerusikan bersama oleh Kolonel (Dr) Haji Awang Mohd Hafizul Bin Haji Awang Mohd Hassan, Ketua Pegawai Perubatan, Angkatan Bersenjata Diraja Brunei (ABDB) dan Brigedier Isaac Seidl, Ketua Pengarah Kesihatan Operasi, Markas Kesihatan Bersama Pasukan Pertahanan Australia (ADF). Mesyuarat ini telah dirasmikan oleh Yang Mulia Haji Adi Ihram bin Dato Paduka Haji Mahmud, Pemangku Setiausaha Tetap, Kementerian Pertahanan, Negara Brunei Darussalam. Dalam ucapan pembukaannya, beliau menekankan perkembangan, inovasi, dan ketahanan yang ditunjukkan oleh EWG on MM sepanjang tahun. Beliau menggariskan kepentingan global inisiatif mereka dan komitmen bersama ke arah kerjasama antarabangsa yang lebih mendalam, terutamanya dengan entiti seperti United Kingdom yang memerhati inisiatif mereka. Ini mencerminkan jejak langkah global yang semakin meluas dan pengiktirafan yang semakin meningkat terhadap kerja mereka.
Mesyuarat berkenaan telah dihadiri secara fizikal oleh wakil-wakil dari sebilangan negara-negara ahli ADMM-Plus, Pusat Perubatan Ketenteraan ASEAN (ACMM) serta Sekretariat ASEAN. Beberapa buah negara ADMM-Plus juga telah menghadiri mesyuarat tersebut secara maya. 

Mesyuarat Kumpulan Kerja Pakar Perubatan Tentera ADMM-Plus ke-17 ini adalah merupakan Persidangan Perancangan Terakhir (Final Planning Conference) untuk mengkoordinasi Project-Based Community Medical Deployment (PCMD)/Medical Aid Provision (MAP). PCMD/MAP  adalah aturgerak bagi negara-negara ADMM-Plus yang akan memberikan sumbangan perubatan kepada empat barangay di Jeneral Tinio di Republik Filipina. Barangay-barangay ini telah dikenal pasti sebagai kawasan terpencil dan akan menerima sumbangan sukarela dari negara-negara ADMM-Plus.

Penglibatan diantara Tentera dan Awam ini bertujuan untuk menggunakan pelbagai rangka kerja yang sedia ada seperti ACMM, Rangka Kerja Sokongan Logistik (LSF) dan Standby Arrangement and Coordination of Join Disaster Relief and Emergency Response Operations (SASOP). Diharapkan usaha ini akan meningkatkan peruntukan kesihatan di keempat-empat barangay tersebut. PCMD/MAP akan berlangsung dari 14 hingga 27 Oktober 2023.

Sejak penubuhannya pada tahun 2010, EWG on MM ini telah mengukuhkan kerjasama, saling-keoperasian serta penyelarasan di kalangan institusi perubatan tentera bagi 18 buah negara ADMM-Plus sepertimana yang dihasratkan oleh ketua-ketua pertahanan ADMM-Plus. EWG on MM ini beraspirasi untuk terus mengembangkan kapasiti dan keupayaan ADMM-Plus dalam menunaikan hasrat EWG on MM bagi menyediakan kedamaian dan sekuriti kesihatan serantau.
