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Al-Islah Centre, Thursday, 18 March 2021 - A total of 30 personnel from RBAIRF lead by Colonel (U) Alirupendi bin Haji Perudin, the Deputy Commander of RBAIRF and also Chairman of RBAIRF Narcotics Committee visited Al-Islah Centre, Narcotic Control Bureau in Tutong District.

The arrival of Head of Delegation and RBAIRF personnel was welcomed by Awang Shahrum bin Haji Abu Bakar Puteh, Narcotics Officer. The visit commenced with a brief on the roles and responsibilities of Al-Islah Centre particularly the rehabilitation process. The brief emphasised on the importance of its establishment in fighting the misuse of drugs in the community and agencies.

The objective of the visit is to give awareness on the consequence and the danger of the misuse of drugs. In addition, it gives a chance for the RBAIRF personnel to listen on the first-hand experience from a resident of Al-Islah Centre.

The visit then continued with a question and answer session and presentation of a token of appreciation which then concluded with a photo session. The visit provides an opportunity to enhance the relationship between both agencies.


Pusat Al-Islah, Khamis 18 Mac 2021 - Seramai 30 anggota TUDB diketuai oleh  Kolonel (U) Alirupendi bin Haji Perudin, Timbalan Pemerintah TUDB sebagai Pengerusi Jawatankuasa Narkotik TUDB telah mengadakan lawatan ke Pusat Al-Islah, Biro Kawalan Narkotik di Daerah Tutong.

Ketibaan rombongan TUDB disambut oleh Awang Shahrum bin Haji Abu Bakar Puteh, Pegawai Narkotik. Lawatan dimulakan dengan taklimat dan penerangan mengenai peranan dan tanggungjawab Pusat Al-Islah terutama sekali proses rehabilitasi. Taklimat tersebut turut menekankan tentang penubuhan Pusat Al-Islah dalam membanteras aktiviti penyalahgunaan dadah di Negara Brunei Darussalam.

Tujuan lawatan ini adalah untuk memberikan kesedaran dalam kesan dan bahaya penyalahgunaan dadah. Ianya juga memberi peluang untuk anggota TUDB untuk mendengar pengalaman yang dikongsikan oleh penghuni Pusat Al-Islah.

Lawatan diteruskan dengan sesi soal jawab bersama dan penyampaian cenderahati kepada kemudian diakhiri dengan sesi bergambar ramai. Dengan adanya lawatan ini, ianya mengeratkan lagi hubungan silaturrahim antara 2 agensi.