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Brunei Muara District, Friday, 19 November 2021 – Negara Brunei Darussalam has officially entered the Transition Phase today, 3 months after the government imposed restrictions including ‘Ops Pulih’ that saw public facilities such as places of worship, fitness centres and schools being closed down to control the outbreak of the second wave of COVID-19. In conjunction with the reopening of mosques to the public, RBAF personnel were deployed to assist in ensuring the public complied with SOPs and control measures such as scanning of QR codes and checking of vaccination status.

A total of 78 RBAirF personnel were deployed to 10 mosques in the Brunei Muara District. Before the deployment, the personnel were briefed on their roles and responsibilities and underwent an Antigen Rapid Test.

The RBAirF were also involved in a similar operation when the nation was hit with the first wave of COVID-19 outbreak last year.


Daerah Brunei Muara, Jumaat, 19 November 2021  Negara Brunei Darussalam telah secara rasmi masuk ke dalam Fasa Peralihan pada hari ini, 3 bulan setelah beberapa sekatan dikuatkuasakan termasuklah ‘Ops Pulih’ yang melibatkan penutupan beberapa fasiliti awam seperti rumah-rumah ibadat, pusat-pusat kesihatan dan sekolah-sekolah ditutup untuk mengawal penularan gelombang kedua COVID-19. Selaras dengan pembukaan semula masjid-masjid pada hari ini, anggota-anggota ABDB dikerah untuk membantu dalam memastikan para Jemaah mengikut garispanduan dari Kementerian Kesihatan seperti mengimbas kod QR dan memeriksa status vaksinasi.

Sejumlah 78 orang anggota TUDB telah terlibat dalam bantuan operasi di 10 buah masjid di kawasan Daerah Brunei Muara. Sebelum memulakan operasi, anggota-anggota telah diberikan taklimat tentang peranan dan tanggungjawab mereka dan juga menjalani Antigen Rapid Test.

TUDB juga terlibat dalam operasi yang sama pada tahun lepas berikutan gelombang pertama COVID-19 di negara ini.