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Rimba Air Force Base, Friday, 22 April 2022 – The Royal Brunei Air Force (RBAirF) concluded the Command Post Exercise (CPX) Alap-Alap today. The closing ceremony was held at the Alap-Alap Room, RBAirF Headquarters. Present as the Guest of Honour was Colonel (U) Haji Haszahaidi bin Haji Ahmad Daud, the Deputy Commander of RBAirF. 

This year’s Command Post Exercise saw the participation of all units within the RBAirF, mainly focusing on tactical level of command and below. In the exercise summary delivered by the Exercise Director, Lieutenant Colonel (U) Pengiran Mohammad Zulhusmi bin Pengiran Mohammad Roslan, players across the Wings of RBAirF received a total of 31 injects throughout the three days, mainly focusing on Intelligence, Surveillance and Reconnaissance (ISR), Counter Insurgency (COIN) Ops, Search And Rescue (SAR) and Medical Evacuation (MEDEVAC) Ops as well as Joint Ops.

Apart from the main aim of this exercise, which is to provide an opportunity for RBAirF personnel to conduct comprehensive training and validate RBAirF procedures and plans in dealing with security risks and challenges, this exercise allowed for all units to improve on their gaps and weaknesses that were identified during the Table Top Exercise that was held in January this year. It also acts as a platform to technically assess the means of communication used within RBAirF.


Pangkalan Tentera Udara Rimba, Jumaat, 22 April 2022 – Tentera Udara Diraja Brunei (TUDB) telah menamatkan Command Post Exercise pada hari ini. Acara penutup diadakan di Bilik Alap-Alap, Markas TUDB. Hadir selaku Tetamu Kehormat ialah Kolonel (U) Haji Haszahaidi bin Haji Ahmad Daud, Timbalan Pemerintah TUDB.

Dalam ringkasan eksesais yang disampaikan oleh Pengarah Eksesais, Leftenan Kolonel (U) Pengiran Mohammad Zulhusmi bin Pengiran Mohammad Roslan, peserta-peserta dari setiap Cawangan telah menerima sebanyak 31 injects di sepanjang tiga hari eksesais dijalankan, yang mana tumpuan utama adalah pada Perisikan (ISR), Operasi Menentang Pemberontakan (COIN Ops), Operasi Mencari and Menyelamat (SAR) dan MEDEVAC Ops dan Joint Ops.

Selain dari tujuan utama eksesais, iaitu memberikan peluang latihan yang komprehensif bagi seluruh anggota (TUDB), eksesais ini membolehkan setiap cawangan untuk memperbaiki kekurangan yang telah di kenalpasti semasa Table Top Exercise yang dijalankan pada bulan Januari yang lalu. Pada masa yang sama, eksesais ini adalah sebagai platform untuk menguji dari segi teknikal alat komunikasi yang digunakan dalam TUDB.