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​BANDAR SERI BEGAWAN, Tuesday, 02 April 2024 – The Air Defence Pre-Employment Training Course no.10/2024 concluded with a ceremony held by 75 Squadron, No. 7 Wing, Royal Brunei Air Force (RBAirF). The 6-week course ran from 19 February 2024 until 29 March 2024, with a total of four course participants from 520 Squadron, No. 2 Wing, RBAirF.

Present as the Guest of Honour was Major (U) Mohammad Nashriq bin Moksin, Squadron Commander of 75 Squadron, No. 7 Wing. The ceremony commenced with the recitation of Surah Al-Fatihah, followed by a speech from the course representative and the Guest of Honour. The ceremony proceeded with the certificate presentation to the course participants and concluded with a closing Doa.

The course aims to train and prepare Air Defence System Engineers for their duties and responsibilities in the maintenance of the Mistral Manpads System enabling them to progress to the Advance and Operational level.


BANDAR SERI BEGAWAN, Selasa, 02 April 2024 – Majlis Penutup bagi Kursus Air-Defence Pre-Employment Training Pengambilan 10/2024 telah sempurna dilaksanakan oleh Skuadron 75, Cawangan No. 7, Tentera Udara Diraja Brunei (TUDB). Kursus tersebut dijalankan selama enam minggu bermula dari 19 Februari 2024 hingga 29 Mac 2024, dengan seramai empat peserta kursus dari Skuadron 520, Cawangan No. 2, TUDB.

Hadir Selaku Tetamu Kehormat ialah Mejar (U) Mohammad Nashriq bin Moksin, Pegawai Memerintah, Skuadron 75, Cawangan No. 7. Majlis dimulakan dengan bacaan Surah Al-Fatihah dan diikuti dengan ucapan daripada wakil peserta kursus dan Tetamu Kehormat. Majlis seterusnya diikuti dengan penyampain sijil kepada peserta-peserta kursus dan diakhiri dengan Doa Penutup.

Kursus ini bertujuan bagi melatih dan mempersiapkan anggota kejuruteraan Sistem Pertahanan Udara dengan tugas dan tanggungjawab mereka dalam pemeliharaan  Mistral Manpads System, membolehkan mereka maju ke peringkat lanjutan dan operasi.