Website Poll

Respondent Nationality Non-Citizen
If you're a non-citizen, please specify your country of origin: Backpage Dating
Respondent Age 19 – 29 years
What was your main purpose in visiting this site? I was looking for general information
Did you accomplish your purpose? Yes
What do you think needs to be improved in the website?

At the time the choice was made to do that, did you or your friends have any difficulty or faced challenges in convincing men to have sex? If you happen to know or can remember, did the group of women approach the same group of men for this sex? That is, were these men being shared amongst you based on their looks or attitudes? What attributes did these men have that led promiscuous women to go for it when it comes to just sex? If men today use sexual past as one of numerous factors when considering a life mate would that pose a problem for promiscuous women?

OffTheCuff says:
April 29, 2012 at 7:27 pm
Scanned her site a bit. She believes the sexual double standard is (wait for it) something unfairly imposed by the patriarchy. We’ve discussed this here at length, and the reality is that the double standard is rooted in biology, and I encourage you to read the arguments, rather than rest on the hoary old “patriarchy” argument. I hope coming to terms with reality will help you understand why things happen the way they do.

A man who has sex with many women has to work hard to earn this privilege, and very few do. That’s why there is no word more male slut that has the associated sting, as the concept is pointless as fried ice.

However there is an equivalent “sting” word for men – creep. It just doesn’t correlate with promiscuity.

Abbot says:
April 29, 2012 at 8:06 pm
“She believes the sexual double standard is (wait for it) something unfairly imposed by the patriarchy.”
But what is never clear in all this purposely foggy rhetoric is who EXACTLY is doing this imposing. The so-called patriarchy is like a made-up boogeyman that implies men are behind it all without having to point fingers because, well, there is nobody to point at. Are men vocalizing this “double standard?” Where? Is it the woman’s parents? Is it her girlfriends? Until someone steps up and is finally clear about all this, until that day, its utter bullshit and no credibility can be given to such claims that include the terms “patriarchy” and “double standard.”

Abbot says:
April 29, 2012 at 8:50 pm
From her site:
“A woman who chooses to have sex is not choosing to hurt another; it’s quite the opposite. When can she stop paying such a high price for her choices?”