Website Poll

Respondent Nationality Brunei Citizen
If you're a non-citizen, please specify your country of origin: Backpage About Dating
Respondent Age 18 years and below
What was your main purpose in visiting this site? I was looking for general information
Did you accomplish your purpose? Yes
What do you think needs to be improved in the website?

Still love the clubbing scene and don’t want to give it up?

Use the online local searches to get contacts and invite them to meet you at club (x)

Know you are in the PERFECT situation.

You are in a sexual environment

And you now KNOW who is single and much more WHO is interested in you.

Got a date this weekend?

Try my methods and you’ll be connecting in no time

ecret benefits of understanding your partner’s point of view

If you are struggling to understand why your date, boyfriend, girlfriend spouse or ex is acting the way they are try to look at their situation from their point of view.



Seek first to understand then to be understood

You will likely want your voice your side of the argument and your viewpoint understood FIRST such that it might become a shouting match. Each person just wants to be understood within their own context… That’s all they want. Whether you agree or disagree with them is not the point they just want to be understood.

Once they feel that you have taken the time to truly understand where THEY are coming from , outside the bounds of your own ego THEN there is time for you to talk. Then there is time for the two of you to move forward and set aside your differences.

Problems arise between two people when they feel as they are not being understood and cared for by their partner. These arguments can be very easily solved if one person simply tried to look at the situation from a different viewpoint.