Website Poll

Respondent Nationality Brunei Citizen
If you're a non-citizen, please specify your country of origin: BBW Love Hub: Where Curves Meet Connections
Respondent Age 19 – 29 years
What was your main purpose in visiting this site? I was looking for general information
Did you accomplish your purpose? Yes
What do you think needs to be improved in the website?

Uncle Elmer July 19, 2014 at 16:44
“One out of four doctors in America is foreign born and foreign trained.”

And they suck too.

Well-loved. Like or Dislike: Thumb up 29 Thumb down 1
TFH July 19, 2014 at 16:51
Immigrants are a benefit above a certain high skill level (say, a graduate degree in STEM or Business). America could take in 1M/year of people who can each earn $100K+/year in the US (and pay a lot of taxes).

Immigrants are a cost below a certain skill level. Triple so if ILLEGAL.

This is obvious, particularly when you see Canada’s immigration policy (favoring the former) vs. America’s (favoring the latter). Most of Canada’s economic stats have gone in the opposite direction as the US, as a result.

Furthermore, it is astonishing how creative the corrupt left has become. A hapless laborer from Nicaragua or Guatemala who only earns $3000/year in his home country, has no idea that merely the phony processing and hearing costs the US taxpayer pays due to the government using him for that purpose, costs $100K. That is a loss to the taxpayer, and none of it goes to the person himself.

Again, this is amazing. Pull people who can only earn $3000/year, and use them to siphon $100K each to corrupt government bureaucracies and their 501c3 affiliates.